I got addicted to my new liquidiser jug as it proved a very useful in making soup veloutes.
It's easy, fast, delicious and let's not forget healthy (or at least believed to be so)
The tactic is easy - just bring a number of vegetables of your choice including potatoes to the boil, then liquidise in the jug, add some single cream, bring back to the boil, garnish with grilled asparagus tips, mushrooms or even bacon, toasted nuts, fresh herbs and serve.
For this particular soup you need
3 medium sized potatoes (king Edward the best)
1 medium sized courgette
a hand full of spinach leaves
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
100 ml single cream
1 cube chicken stock
a dash of olive oil
about 2 l boiling water
a pinch of salt, pepper, herbes de Provence
3-4 mushrooms sliced and grilled with butter
fresh spring onion tips
Boil the ingredients in the first list without the single cream until the potatoes are ready, then liquidise. Add back the single cream and bring back to the boil.
Before serving arrange the grilled mushrooms.

Velout, smooth silky velout, what I would give to eat "tout" xxx :)
I am still thinking about this veloute. Oh well, maybe I'll make it soon. than I'll know what it is like. luv ya xxx
Stop thinking and just do it :D
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