Wednesday, April 07, 2010

#63 Таратор (Tarator) Chilled Yogurt and Cucumber Soup

Light spring soup
It's become more and more difficult to find nice recipes already without repeating the old ones, as our project is nearing its end. Well, it's still in the beginning of its final part and I really need to do some research to dig out more outstanding soups.
Some of the recipes, I reserved especially for the end, as very special ones, and this recipe is one of them.
The cold Tarator Soup is served mainly in the summer, but it can also be served whenever you need something really fresh and thirst quenching :)
The secret is in the Bulgarian yoghurt, which is more sour than than all the other types of yoghurt that I've tried sold outside Bulgaria.
The difference is that Bulgarian yoghurt will quench your thirst, that's how you can recognize it. And it's not creamy at all, but rather set.
In tarator some vinegar s added to taste to make it more sour, as the yoghurt is divided with water. If you use not Bulgarian yoghurt you'll need to add twice more vinegar. But in the end, it's up to personal taste.
The proportion between water and yoghurt can be anything between 1:1 to 1:3, depending on the yoghurt thickness, so you can adjust this to taste as well.

There are variations of the recipe in the different regions of the country, and this is one of them.

Will serve 6:

700 gr yoghurt 3.6 % fat
500 ml water
500 gr (2 cucmbers)very finely chopped
1-2 heads of garlic - peeled and crushed preferably in a mortar
fresh dill
2-3 tbsp olive oil
100 gr crushed walnuts


Crush the garlic in a mortar and add the dill. Continue working and crush the walnuts.
In a large bowl mix well the yoghurt and water. Add the cucumbers, mix and add the crushed walnuts, dill and garlic.
Season with olive oil, vinegar and salt to taste.
Chill in the fridge for about 30 minutes.

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