Sunday, December 03, 2006

Fish Curry extended version

I decided to modify the base recipe for fish curry and the try was successful :)
Here the base recipe

now the modifications
I added a little of dried majoram in the marinade

I used 4 green peppers (instead of one) for the pepper, ginger root and garlic puree

After I placed the puree in the hot oil and onion slices, I added 300 gr mushrooms to the mixture.
Then I added 100 ml coconut milk and 300 ml coconut cream. At the end I placed the marinated fish slices.

A few minutes before leaving it from heat I added chopped celery leaves.



Anonymous said...

I hope I can make a small suggestion. I believe it will be better if you can use fresh cilantro (coriander) leaves instead of the celery.

Sneige said...

:) suggestion accepted,
I'm 90 % sure where I could find it ;)

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