Friday, July 19, 2013

Raw peppers and herbed feta appetisers

herbed feta stuffed mini peppers

Do you remember my strawberry lemonade from a couple of weeks ago? I was complaining then of the relatively low temperatures that did not translate summer but middle spring. I was hoping for some more sunshine, clear skies, flip flops and spaghetti straps and here they are - the record high temperatures hit London and England in general - finally a proper summer with temperatures nearing and surpassing 30 degrees - I am happy!

However that heat might stay longer - apparently it would be there for a month - not such a good news for a lot of people. So I am coming to the rescue with my next several posts with foods that will help you bear the heat better.

I am planning to do a top 10 or top 5 of refreshing summer drinks (non alcoholic) to help you survive through the hot season - all foods and drinks inspired by near and faraway places where people are traditionally faced with excessive heat.  (I will do my best to make this on time but you know having kids can be one of the most stressful experiences in life and what I've learned the hard way is that plans and schedule does not work well together with kids. And multitasking on a 24/7 shift for years can be well, tiring.)

Let me start with these stuffed mini red peppers - the title says it all. We used to have feta stuffed
green peppers as a summer snack back at home - it's easy, fast, packed with vitamins and nutrients and no carbs at all.
Eating raw unprocessed foods means all nutrients are consumed at their best without any loss of the good stuff as happens when boiling, frying or baking.
Feta cheese will provide the essential proteins to the mix and fresh herbs as coriander or parsley or even dill are a natural guilt free way to add more taste and flavour.

herbed feta stuffed mini peppers

All you need in a glance!


200 g sweet mini peppers
100 g crumbles of feta cheese
About 1/4 cup fresh coriander leaves - chopped
Optional - 1 clove of garlic - mashed

atuffed mini peppers


Wash the peppers and discard the tops - discard anynseeds and membranes hay might have.
Combine the feta cheese, chopped coriander leaves and garlic to a paste. Stuff the peppers with the paste and enjoy!


Bety said...

Красиви и вкусни!Обичам аромата на пресния пипер!

Anonymous said...

My kind of stuff!!

Karen S Booth said...

This looks absolutely divine! Karen

Sneige said...

И аз, Бети! :)

Thank you Karen!
Artemis, shall you prepare some for us - Greek style please? :)

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