An ultra fast breakfast suggestion for two, suitable for busy days and providing essential vitamins.
Total time - up to 10 minutes
4 ready-made sponge tartelette cases
200 ml double cream
apricot conserve
1 punnet of blueberries - 200 gr

for the smoothie:
300 gr pineapple cubes - freshly pureed
100 ml plum cordial or fresh plums - pureed
300 ml organic swetened soy milk

For the tartelettes:
Beat the double cream until raises volume and thickens. Spread the cases with the apricot conserve, top with a rich scoop of the prepared double cream, flatten and spread with the fresh black berries.
In the glasses put pineapple puree up to 1/4 or 1/3 of the glass, pour on 50 ml plum cordial in each glass, and top with the soybean milk. Blend with a spoon before serving.
And Enjoy!
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