![Festive Muffins with Rose water 1/2](http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4091/4977717452_c5009664d3.jpg)
When one has a reason to celebrate, the recipes always turn out successful, it seems! I try to do this recipe earlier, but with no success, so I had to modify it a little and try again. The second try was more that successful!
As today we are celebrating our fourth wedding anniversary, let me share these fantastic, airy inside, crispy on top, rose-scented muffins with you!
Rose-water has this delicate aroma that makes them really special for the occasion.
yields 9 large muffins or 12 medium-sized
2 medium sized eggs
1/2 cup (200 ml) golden caster sugar
60 ml sunflower oil
1/2 cup ground rice
2 caps of rose water (about 2 tbsp)
100 ml whole fat milk
1 1/3 cup wheat flour
1 level tbsp baking powder
For sprinkling: sunflower seeds, linseeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds
Mix all the ingredients in the described order, starting with the eggs and the sugar and the oil. Mix until the sugar dissolves then add the rice flour and mix well, the batter should reach "fluffy" consistency. Add the rose water and mix until well dissolved, then the milk and stir again. Mix the wheat flour with the baking powder and add carefully to the batter, mix well and place in a paper cases-lined muffin tray.
Sprinkle the seeds lightly on top
Bake at 170 (180) C for fan-assisted (ordinary) ovens for about 15-20 minutes, until risen and gold on top.
To check if the muffins are ready, insert a toothpick in the middle of a muffin and if it comes out clean - so they are ready baked.
Празнични мъфини с розова вода
Когато човек има празничен повод, изглежда и рецептите се получават! Имах идея за мъфини с розова вода, но първият вариант на рецептата не се оказа особено сполучлив, та се наложи да го ревизирам и преправя. За късмет вторият опит беше повече от успешен.
Днес празнуваме 4 годишнина от сватбата си и ми се ще да споделя тези прекрасни въздушни мъфини с хрупкава коричка и деликатен аромат на рози!
2 средно големи яйца
1/2 чаша от 200 мл захар
60 мл олио
1/2 чаша фино смлян ориз или оризово брашно
2 с л розова вода
100 мл пълномаслено мляко
1 1/3 чаша пшенично брашно
1 с л бакпулвер
за поръсване сусамови, тиквени, слънчогледови семки
Всички продукти се разбъркват в покаазания ред, като се започне с яйцата, захарта и олиото, докато захарта се разтвори. След това се добавя оризовото брашно и се разбърква добре - тестото трябва да стане пухкаво. Добавят се розовата вода и млякото едно по едно и се бърка докато всяко се размеси много добре.
Най-накрая се прибавят брашното и бакпулверът много внимателно.
Сместа се изсипва във форма за мъфини и се пече на 170-180 градуса около 15 минути или до като е готово.
Добър апетит!
Once you have a bottle of rose water, it behooves you to seek out recipes that use it. Thanks for the addition to my repertoire.
That reminds me of the bottle of orange flower water that I still have in the cupboard ... :)
Wonderful post. Creative use of rose water. I am glad I found your blog and look forward to following your here.
Be well.
Ohmigosh. That's a really interesting recipe! I love the ground rice in there, and here's the perfect recipe to use up my bottle of rose water!
Hi there, you have a very lovely blog here. And those muffins looks super cool. Thanks for sharing & enjoy your day.
Cheers, Kristy
Thank you very much Lazaro Cooks! I hope I won't disappoint you in the future :)
Thanks Sophia! I am so curious, I always think what will happen if I use this in the pace of that, and sometimes the results are not good at all, but when they are successful, I need to share! :) I am happy you liked it!
Thanks, Kristy, for stopping by!
I absolutely love rose water and orange blossoms water in cakes. They taste amazing with it. I'll definitely going to try this muffins.
супер готини муфини - аз мойте ги змесвам с рисунките пък май не трябва ! готин блог !
Благодаря, Невена! :)
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