Thursday, March 17, 2011

Massala Mussaka - Мусака с индийски подправки

Рецептата на български по-надолу:

Massala Moussaka recipe indian spices cumin turmeric potatoes carrots mince beef topping рецепта заливка мусака индийски подправки масала

Mussaka is so popular and although most of people would like to cook it the same way as before, and before and before, as always in fact, I am always open to experimenting with the spices I use.
So this time I had to shoot a massala spice mix for another recipe, and to make long story short- I ended with the opened and measured spices and I had to use them or get rid of them. Of course I opted for using them as I really don't like throwing food, nor even spices.

So I just heated the dry wok I usually cook in and placed the spices on full heat for a minutes, stirring, until they started to release their flavours.
The first moment I sniffed the aroma I knew it will work, and was right!
Moreover, I managed to reduce the overall fat content by cutting on cheese which I usually put in the topping.

Then here is the spicy mussaka recipe.


1 tsp paprika
1tsp ground coriander
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
2 cloves of garlic - crushed

2 tbsp olive oil

1 kg Charlotte potatoes finely cut.
350 gr lean minced beef
2-3 carrots - finely chopped
200 ml boiling water

form topping:
5 eggs
250 gr plain yogurt not more than 3% fat

yogurt sauce:
300 ml yogurt
50 ml water
1 tbsp fresh finely chopped dill leaves


Heat the dry pan and add the spices for a while until they start releasing their flavours. Then add the oil and fry for a minute. Add the meat stirring well for a couple of minutes, then the potatoes and the carrots, put a lid on and leave to simmer for 10 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and transfer the moussaka into a deep oven dish. Bake for more 20 minutes.
In the meantime beat the eggs with a little bit of salt and add the yogurt. Cover the moussaka and bake for more 15 minutes until it reaches a nice golden brown colour.

For the sauce: Blend all the ingredients and serve as an optional sauce.

I really like this dish as it is fast to make too, well not counting peeling and cutting the potatoes, and we enjoyed this spicy version even more.

Мусака с индийски подправки

Massala Moussaka recipe indian spices cumin turmeric potatoes carrots mince beef topping рецепта заливка мусака индийски подправки масала


1 ч.л. кимион
1 ч.л. червен пипер
1 ч.л. куркума
1 ч.л. смлян кориандър
1/2 ч.л. сол
1 ч.л. черен пипер
2 скилидки чесън

2 с.л. зехтин

1 кг картофи
350 гр кайма
2-3 моркова нарязани на дребно
200 мл вряла вода

сос от кисело мляко:

300 мл кисело мляко
50 мл вода
1 с.л нарязан пресен копър


В сух тиган се загряват подправките без олиото. След това се добавя олиото и се запържва за още 2-3 минути. Добавя се каймата , да се омеси добре с подправките, разбърква се за околко 2 минути. След това се добавят картофите и морковите. Залива се с врялата вода. Покрива се с капак и се оставя на бавен огън за около 10 минути.
През това време се загрява фурната и всичко се изсипва в тава. Пече се на 180 градуса за около 20 минути.
Междувременно се разбиват 5 яйца и 250 гр кисело мляко и малко сол и се заалива мусаката. Пече се до златисто-кафяво.

За соса:
Продуктите се смесват и се разбъркват много добре.


Quay Po Cooks said...

How are you? Have not seen you for a long time. Hope all is well. This looks awesome and I am it taste divine!

Sneige said...

Thank you!
I am fine, thanks, have to catch up on foodbuzz soon! ^^

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